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Git & Workflow

Introduction of the Git Workflow in Espressif

πŸ’• 𝙸𝙳𝙡 π™²π™Ύπšπ™΄ πšƒπ™΄π™°π™Ό πŸ’•

Overview πŸ“–

  • Get started with Git
  • Professional in Git
  • Submit Merge Request

Get Started with Git 🐾


Git is a free and open source distributed version control system with speed and efficiency

Remote Repository πŸ–₯️

GitHub πŸ†š GitLab

  • Web-based Git repository
  • GitLab: Internal develop, CI/CD
  • GitHub: Community feedback, Action
  • Issue tracking
  • Code review
Installation πŸš€
# Debian-based distribution
sudo apt install git

# Fedora
sudo yum install git

# Arch
sudo pacman -S git
# MacPorts
sudo port install git

# Homebrew
brew install git

Download installer for Windows

Set up SSH for Git πŸ”
  • ls -la ~/.ssh to see if you already have a public SSH key (e.g. id_rsa.pub)
  • If not, create a new public and private key pair with command ssh-keygen
  • Add your private key to ssh-agent with command ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • Copy the contents of id_rsa.pub file to GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket...
Git Manual πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«
# get common usage on 'git diff'
tldr git-diff
# get all available information on 'git status'
git status --help # same as 'man git-status'
# get a quick help on 'git checkout'
git checkout -h
Create a repository β˜•
  • Navigate to the directory you want to place under version control
  • Create an empty Git repository: git init, this creates a hidden folder .git, which contains the entire history and configuration for the project
mkdir oh_my_project && cd oh_my_project
git init
Setting username and email πŸ“­
cd /path/to/my/repo
git config user.name "Your name"
git config user.email "xxx@espressif.com"
  • It will store the setting inside the individual repository: /path/to/your/repo/.git/config

  • Advanced practice πŸ’―: Force Git to look for your identity only within a repository's settings

    git config --global user.useConfigOnly true
Add πŸ₯ͺ
  • Check what files Git will add to your repository with command git status

  • Review the resulting list of files, tell Git which of the files to place into version control (avoid adding files with confidential information)

    git status
    git add <file/directory name #1> <file/directory name #2> <...>
  • If all files in the list should be added to version control

    git add -A
Commit πŸ₯ͺ
  • Commit all files that have been added, along with a commit message

    git commit -m "add README.md"
    # if you omit the -m parameter,
    # your default editor will open,
    # and you can edit and save the commit message there
  • A commit is like a save or snapshot of your entire project

  • You can now push it to a remote repository, and later you can jump back to it if necessary

Create a repository on remote πŸ–₯️
Adding a remote 🚚
  • To add a new remote, use the git remote add command in your local repository
  • The git remote add command takes two arguments:
    • A remote name, e.g. origin
    • A remote URL
    git remote add origin ssh://git@gitlab.espressif.cn:27227/srmao/oh-my-project.git
  • If you want to change the URL of a remote
    git remote set-url origin ssh://git@bitbucket.server.com:7999/username/project.git
  • Show a list of existing remotes: git remote -v
Push to remote 🚚
  • Copy your local repository to the remote

  • Adding --set-upstream (or -u) created an upstream reference which is used by argument-less Git commands (e.g. git pull)

    git push --set-upstream origin master

Professional in Git 🐾

Browsing the history 1 πŸ“œ
  • List last 10 commits logs, on a single line: git log --oneline -10
  • Log for a range of lines within a file: git log -L 1,5:README.md
  • To see the log in a prettier graph-like structure
    git log --decorate --oneline --graph -20
  • Colorize logs
    git log --pretty=format:'%C(red)%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %C(green)(%cr)%C(yellow)<%an>%Creset'
    • %C(color_name) option colors the output that comes after it
    • %h abbreviates commit hash
    • %Creset resets color to default terminal color
    • %d ref names
    • %s subject [commit message]
    • %cr committer date, relative to current date
    • %an author name
Browsing the history 2 πŸ“œ
  • Search for changes in lines containing specific string
  • Search commit string in git log
    git log --all --grep "esp_modem"
  • Filter logs
    git log --since '3 days ago'
    git log --author=morris
  • Show the commits that are on foo branch but not on master with command:
    git log master..foo
Aliases πŸ”¨
  • Avoid typing pretty big commands by creating aliases:
    • with the command line
    git config --global alias.ci "commit"
    git config --global alias.st "status"
    • with the ~/.gitconfig file
        ci = commit
        st = status
        gl  = log -n 20 --date-order --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset
        <%an>%C(yellow)%d%Creset %Creset %Cgreen%s %Creset \"
Staging 1 🎍
  • If you have changed a lot of files in the directory, rather than listing each one of them, you could use:
    • git add --all to add all changes
    • git add . to add all changes, not including files that have been deleted, from the top-level directory and subdirectory
    • git add -u only add files which are currently tracked ("updated")
Staging 2 🎍
  • Unstage a file that contains changes
    git restore --stage <file>
  • Show staged changes
    git diff --cached
  • Stage deleted files
    git rm filename
  • To delete the file from git without removing it from disk
    git rm --cached filename
Ignore 1 🀷🏻
  • For files that you want never under version control, create a file named .gitignore before staging

    • Can created in top level directory or sub-directories
    • Rules will apply recursively to all files and sub-directories
    # ignore files called '.config'
    # ingore directories
    # ignore files by extension
    # matches all files 'foo.txt' in 'bar' and all sub-directories
    # ignore all .a files but lib.a
Ignore 2 🀷🏻
  • Create an empty folder
    • Create the required directory and add a .gitkeep file to the folder
  • Clean up ignored files
    git clean -Xn # display a list of ignored files
    git clean -Xf # remove the previously displayed files
  • Find files ignored by .gitignore
    git status --ignored
  • Ignore subsequent changes to a file without removing it
    git update-index --assum-unchanged my-file.txt
Committing 1 πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ
  • If you didn't create any new files, you can combine git add and git commit into a single command:
    git commit -am "Commit message here"
  • If your latest commit is not published yet, then you can put the current staged changes onto the previous commit.
    git commit --amend
    • This can also be used to edit an incorrect commit message
    • If the earlier commit had already been pushed, after amending it you will have to push with --force option.
Committing 2 πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ
  • If you make a commit as the wrong author, you can change it and then amend
    git config user.name "new name"
    git config user.email "email@example.com"
    git commit --amend --reset-author
  • Commit on behalf on someone else
    git commit -m "message" --author "John Smith <johnsmith@example.com>"
  • Commit at a specific date
    git commit -m "Fix memory leak" --date 2018-07-03
Good Commit Message πŸ’―
vfs/fatfs: fix stat call failing when called for mount point

FATFS does not support f_stat call for drive root. When handling stat
for drive root, don't call f_stat and just return struct st with S_IFDIR
flag set.

Closes https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/984
  • Separate the subject line from body with a blank line
  • Limit the subject line to 50 characters
  • Do not end the subject line with a period
  • Manually wrap each line of the body at 72 characters
  • Use the body to explain what and why instead of how
Diff 1 πŸ“½οΈ
  • Show unstaged changes on current branch from the commit before it
    git diff
  • Show differences for stages files
    git diff --staged
  • Show both staged and unstaged changes
    git diff HEAD
  • Show changes between two commits
    git diff 1234abc..6789def # old..new
Diff 2 πŸ“½οΈ
  • Show the difference of a file between separate commits
    git diff 1234abc 6789def myfile.txt
  • Produce a patch-compatible diff
    git diff --no-prefix > some_file.patch
    Then somewhere else you can reverse it:
    patch -p0 < some_file.patch
Reset 🚨
Recovering πŸ₯
Undoing πŸ”™
  • Undo changes to a file or directory in the working copy
    git checkout -- file.txt
  • To temporarily jump back to a commit, detach your head
    git checkout 789abcd
    This places you at commit 789abcd, you can now make new commits on top this old commit without affecting the branch your head is on.
Branching 1 🌳
  • Create a new branch, while staying on the current branch
    git branch <name> [<start-point>]
  • Switch to an existing branch
    git checkout <name>
  • Create a new branch and switch to it
    git checkout -b <name> [<start-point>]
  • <start-point> can be any revision known to git (e.g. branch name, commit SHA, symbolic reference such as HEAD or a tag name)
Branching 2 🌳
  • Create a branch from a remote branch
    git checkout -b <name> <remote_name>/<branch_name>
  • Listing branches
    git branch # List local branches
    git branch -r # List remote branches
    git branch -a # List remote and local branches
  • Delete a remote branch
    git push origin --delete <branchName>
  • Delete a local branch
    git branch -d <branchName> # Won't delete the branch if it has unmerged changes
    git branch -D <branchName> # Delete it event if it has unmerged changes
Branching 3 🌳
  • Quick switch to the previous branch
    git checkout -
  • Rename a branch
    • rename the branch you have already checked out
    git branch -m new_branch_name
    • rename another branch
    git branch -m branch_you_want_rename new_branch_name
  • List local and remote branches that contain a specific commit
    git branch -a --contains <commit>
Branching Model 🧾
  • master branch πŸ‘
    • Name: master
    • Where integration happens
    • Produce working code which compiles and passes CI tests
  • feature and bugfix branches 🐞
    • Name: feature/xxx and bugfix/xxx
    • Where development happens
    • May contain broken or incomplete or testing code
  • release branches πŸ’ͺ🏽
    • Name: release/v4.0
    • Where releases are maintained and bugfixes are backported to
Clone a repositoryβ˜•
  • The git clone command is used to copy an existing Git repository from a server to your local machine
    cd <path where you would like to clone to create a directory>
    git clone https://github.com/username/projectname.git
    # ssh version of the command
    git clone git@github.com:username/projectname.git
  • If you don't need to have the full history available, you can do a shallow clone
    git clone [repo_url] --depth 1
    • later, if required, you can fetch the rest of the repository
    git fetch --unshallow
Working with Remotes 1 πŸ“
  • List existing remotes
    git remote -v
  • Change Git remote URL
    git remote set-url remote-name https://github.com/username/repo2.git
  • Add a new remote repository
    git remote add github git-repository-url
  • Push to a remote branch
    git push <remote_name> <branch_name>
Working with Remotes 2 πŸ“
  • Delete a remote branch
    git push [remote-name] --delete [branch-name]
  • Remove local copies of deleted remote branches
    git fetch [remote-name] --prune
  • Updating from upstream repository
    git fetch remote-name
    git merge remote-name/branch-name
    • git pull combines a fetch and a merge
    • git pull --rebase remote-name branch-name combines a fetch and a rebase
Fetch πŸ†š Pull
Merging (ff) πŸ‘ͺ
  • No new commit created
Merging (no-ff) πŸ‘ͺ
  • New commit created
Reverting ❎
  • Undo a certain commit without modifying history
Solve Conflict πŸ’£
Rebasing πŸ•ΉοΈ
  • It changes the history of the project
Interactive Rebasing πŸ•ΉοΈ
  • Using interactive rebase, the user can reword, reorder, drop, split, squash commits
  • Rearrange your last three commits
    git rebase -i HEAD~3
    • A file will be opened in your text editor where you will be able to select how your commits will be rebased.
    • After you changed the file, save it and close the editor.
    • This will initiate a rebase with the changes you've applied.
  • Aborting an interactive rebase
    git rebase --abort
  • git push complains because your rebase has rewrote the history
    git push --force-with-lease # this can be solved appending a "force" option
Reorder Commits πŸ”
  • Reorder the commits in the opened text editor
Drop Commits πŸ’§
Reword Commits πŸ’¬
  • Replace pick with reword instead
Squash Commits πŸ“₯
Split Commit πŸͺ“
  • Replace pick with edit instead
Cherry Picking πŸ’
  • The new commit 9e78i has the same content as 76d12 but a different parent
Stashing 1 🧱

When working on a project, you might be half-way through a feature branch change when a bug is raised against master. You're not ready to commit your code, but you also don't want to lose your changes. This is where git stash comes in handy.

Stashing 2 🧱
  • Save the current state of working directory in a stack of stashes
    git stash
    git stash --include-untracked # include all untracked files
    git stash save "<whatever message>" # include a message with stash
  • List saved stashed
    git stash list
  • Apply the last stash and remove it from the stack
    git stash pop
    git stash pop stash@{n} # apply specific stash and remove it from stack
  • Apply the last stash without removing it from the stack
    git stash apply
  • Remove stash
    git stash clear # remove all stash
    git stash drop # remove the last stash
Worktree 🌳
  • Create a new directory with the specified branch checked out into it
    git worktree add path/to/directory -b new_branch
  • List all the working directories attached to this repository
    git worktree list
  • Remove a worktree (after deleting worktree directory)
    git worktree prune
Tagging πŸ”–

To tag specific points in history (e.g. release point) as being important.

  • List all available tags
    git tag
  • Create a tag on your current branch
    git tag <tag_name>
  • Create a tag with some commit
    git tag tag-name commit-id
  • Push a commit to remote
    git push origin tag-name
Submodules 1 πŸͺ
  • Cloning a Git repository having submodules
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/username/repo.git
    • This is equivalent to running the following command after the clone is finished
      git submodules update --init --recursive
  • Include another Git repository as a folder within your project, tracked by Git:
    git submodule add https://github.com/ARMmbed/littlefs.git
    • you should add and commit .gitmodules file, telling Git what submodules should be cloned when git submodule update is run
Submodules 2 πŸͺ
  • Moving a submodule
    git mv /path/to/module new/path/to/module
  • Removing a submodule (e.g. the_submodule)
    git submodule deinit the_submodule
    git rm the_submodule
Finding faulty commits β­•
  • To find which commit introduced a bug using a binary search.
    # start the git bisect
    git bisect start
    # give a commit where the bug doesn't exist
    git bisect good 49c747d
    # give a commit where the bug exist
    git bisect bad HEAD
  • Git splits the revision in half and switches the repository to the intermediate revision.
    • Inspect the code to determine if the revision is good or bad:
    # tell git the revision is good
    git bisect good
    # if the revision contains the bug, then tell git it's bad
    git bisect bad
  • To abort the bisect process, just issue git bisect reset
Blaming πŸ€”
  • Find out who changed a file
    • show the author and commit per line of the specified file
    git blame test.c
    • ignore whitespace-only changes
    git blame -w test.c
    • limits the selection of lines by specified range
    git blame -L 1,10 test.c
    • +offset, -offset
    git blame -L 108,+30 test.c
Patch πŸ‘–
  • Create a patch
    • Make your changes and commit them
    • Convert commits into patch files
    # convert all commits since <commit-reference> (not including it)
    git format-patch <commit-reference>
  • Apply patches
    • Have the changes from the .patch file applied to your current working directory (unstaged)
    git apply some.patch
    • Apply a patch as a commit
    git am some.patch
    git am *.patch # apply all patch files
Clean 🧹
  • Clean interactively
    git clean -i
  • Forcefully remove untracked files
    git clean -f
  • Clean ignored files
    git clean -fx

Submit a Merge Request on GitLab πŸ™ŒπŸ»

General Workflow on GitLab πŸ–₯️
Submit MR ⛷️
Good MR Description πŸ’―
Merge Request Comments πŸ’¬
  • Ask @bot to do tests
    • build test
    • unit test
    • integration test
    • language lint
    • ...
  • Ask colleagues to review your code
  • After you got more than Two πŸ‘ and your MR passed CI pipeline, reassign your MR to someone who has the permission to merge
Community Etiquette πŸ’πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  • Be polite, even if the code doesn't look good to you
  • Try best to review PR/MR within 1 week after someone asked you to
  • If the MR looks good to you, don't forget to give a thumbup πŸ‘
Book Recommendation πŸ“š

ProGit Book

Learn Git the Easy Way 🍰

Learn by Gaming -- GitHug

GitHug Walk Through Guide

Learn in interactive way

Learn Git Branching

QA and Acknowledgements πŸ€—