Git 工作流介绍
Git 工作流介绍
name = suda-morris
email =
autosetuprebase = always
editor = vim
quotepath = false
autocrlf = false
pager = less -+$LESS -FRX
status = auto
branch = auto
diff = auto
ui = true
pager = true
[color "branch"]
current = green reverse
local = white
remote = red
[color "diff"]
meta = yellow bold
frag = magenta bold
old = red bold
new = green bold
[color "status"]
added = yellow
changed = red
untracked = cyan
tool = git_diff_wrapper
[difftool "git_diff_wrapper"]
cmd = vimdiff -n +2 $LOCAL $REMOTE
diff =
prompt = no
glf = log -n 10 --name-only --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset<%an> %Creset %Cgreen%s %Creset \"
gl = log -n 30 --date-order --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset <%an>%C(yellow)%d%Creset %Creset %Cgreen%s %Creset \"
gll = log -n 30 --format=\"%Cgreen%H %Cred[%ci] %Creset<%an> %Creset %Cgreen%s %Creset \"
gl3 = log -n 20 --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset<%an> %Creset %Cgreen%s %Creset \" --graph
gl2 = log --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset<%an> %Creset %Cgreen%s %Creset \"
glc = log --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%cd] %Creset<committer:%cn> : %Cred[%ad] %Creset<author:%cn> %Creset \"
glc2 = log --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset<committer:%cn> : %Cred[%ai] %Creset<author:%cn> %Creset \"
glc3 = log --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset<committer:%cn> : %Cred[%ai] %Creset<author:%cn> %n %Cgreen%s %Creset \"
glt = log --format=\"%Cgreen%h :: %ad :: %aD :: %ar :: %at :: %ai %Creset \"
glw = log -n 20 --format=\"%Cgreen%h %Cred[%ci] %Creset<%an> %Creset %n%Cgreen%s%Creset%n%b \"
gldetail = log --format=\"%h `[%cd] `<committer:%cn> `[%ad] `<author:%an> ` %s \"
hist = log --pretty=format:\"%C(yellow)%h %C(red)%d %C(reset)%s %C(green)[%an] %C(blue)%ad\" --topo-order --graph
latest = for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format=\"%(committername)@%(refname:short) [%(committerdate:short)] %(contents)\"
st = status -uno -s
st2 = status -s
co = checkout
bl = blame --date=short
ci = commit
dt = difftool
dif = diff --word-diff
di = diff --no-ext-diff
date = short
template = /home/morris/.gitmessage
vfs/fatfs: fix stat call failing when called for mount point
FATFS does not support f_stat call for drive root. When handling stat
for drive root, don't call f_stat and just return struct st with S_IFDIR
flag set.